Mr. O'Connor et al:
        More accurately, the last line would indicate your second DMA channel is
set incorrectly. use the 'boot -c' configurator to play with the flags
line (I had a similar problem with FreeBSD 3-STABLE and mine works with
flags 0x16). If your secondary DMA channel is C, your flags should be (C
| 0x10) (that's a bitwise OR). This is from the pcm manpage and it works
for me.
* Daniel O'Connor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000925 11:47]:
> >       I don't  know what the last line means.  I just remade snd0...
> The last line means its busted :)
Hasan Diwan [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] :)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 
Computer Science Department 

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