On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 02:48:02PM -0400, thomas r stromberg wrote:
> On 17-Sep-2000, Bill Fumerola popped this into my mailspool:
> > On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 12:04:39PM -0700, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> > > > There is a direct correlation between the Submitter being ignored by
> > > > the Assigned To and the Submitter ignoring the Assigned To.
> > 
> > This entire thread has us both agreeing on the fact that the existing
> > system doesn't work, and we both have little to offer in the way of
> > working systems short of chaining committers to workstations feeding them
> > bread and water and someone cracking a whip[1].
>    Whatever did happen to modernizing the gnats database. I know some
>    ideas of Keystone and Bugzilla were thrown around.. Where did that
>    get canned?
>    I myself think that Mozilla's Bugzilla organization (not necessarily
>    the software) works great.

That's funny. At the last BAFUG meeting, I seem to recall the topic
briefly turned to what an almost intractable mess the Mozilla
project's bug tracking was.

I personally do not know, but I find the two interpretations of the
situation curious.
Crist J. Clark                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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