
        I have recently fled from FreeBSD back into (ugh) windows because of a 
minor drive problem. It seems that my drive has a few bad blocks, and I 
know what they are. FreeBSD seems to try to write to the same bad sectors 
every time, and keeps printing errors that it can't write to the block, etc 
etc. The thing is it's the same few (about a dozen) sectors, about 8/10ths 
the way through the drive. I could use only up to that amount, but that 
doesn't seem like an elegant solution leaving a few hundred megs of empty 
space. Is there a way to have FreeBSD map the sectors and try to neither 
read nor write to them? It wouldn't be a problem (I can turn off syslog and 
get rid of the nasty messages ;) if it didn't cause the filesystem to 
become corrupted (fsck tries to read/fix the data on the bad spots and 
dies). Hope someone out there can help.


P.S. - I know this might not be the BEST place to ask, but I've been on 
this list and only this list for a couple months, so I'd prefer to ask here. ;)

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