On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:

> It has been mentioned in the past many many times - and promptly forgotton
> just as many times.
> Forgive the harsh sounding critcism - just trying to get attention called to
> this issue.  It is not at all hard to reproduce - but it does not log
> anything to the system logs when this sort of crash happens.  The fact that
> nobody has looked at this over the course of the last year really surprises
> me.
> Tom Veldhouse

        You know what's unfortunate?

        What's unfortunate is that this entire thread has failed to provide
  any single piece of VALID debugging information, despite my (and I'm sure
  others') efforts in obtaining that.

        Even if "the problem" isn't that hard to reproduce, maybe there are
  more than one problem. Maybe there is only one, but its side-effects are
  apparent at several different places. Unless someone experiencing the
  problems provides valid debugging information, how exactly do you expect
  anybody to fix it?

        Simply saying "yeah, there's a problem, it's related to X, so fix
  it" just doesn't cut it, if you're expecting people to prioritize it.

        Furthermore, I've noticed that Marko's report doesn't include the
  debugging information which I feel I made very clear is required to even
  glance at the problem.
  Bosko Milekic

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