On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 18:17:02 +1100, Zero Sum wrote:

>If you are going to try a second mirror within a short timeframe, it has to 
>be further up the food chain.
>If the server you select is not available, then an automatic switch to the 
>next one up the CVS mirror food chain might work.

It may still be easier if the servers reported a last update
date or some other unique way of identifying last update. The
client could use this flag(s) to detect a mirror less up to date
than the source tree been updated and display an error which
would require some kind of override flag.

After a little more thought there is another problem with your
approach. It would basically require some server to always be
able to indicate the next machine on the "food chain", but what
happens when that machine is too busy? In other  words that
approach simply adds another possible step which may lessen the
bottleneck and is more scalable, but is not a distributed
approach. IMHO it is best to try to use schemes which distribute
the load/tasks as much as possible.

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