Andreas Klemm:
>On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 10:16:17AM +0100, Helge Oldach wrote:
>> Andreas Klemm:
>> >Address or name of remote host []?
>> >Source username [ios]?
>>                   ^^^
>> >ip rcmd remote-host andreas andreas enable
>> >ip rcmd remote-host cisco cisco enable
>> >ip rcmd remote-host cron cron enable
>> >ip rcmd remote-username andreas
>> >ip rcmd source-interface Ethernet0
>> >
>> >/home/andreas/.rhosts has proper permissions:
>> >-rw-------  1 andreas  andreas  174  1 Dez 07:56 /home/andreas/.rhosts
>> Perhaps this is a username problem? The router wants to talk to the user
>> "ios" and not to "andreas".
>andreas:xxxxxxxxxx:1001:1001::0:0:Andreas Klemm:/home/andreas:/bin/tcsh
>Its the same user (UID) but different HOME dir

OK. But you do have a proper /home/andreas/tftpboot/.rhosts? And
/home/andreas/tftpboot and its contents is world readable?


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