I have stumbled onto a problem with the bridging code (options BRIDGE) with
IPFIREWALL.  Please review my beautiful ASCII art below.

          | Host A |
             / \
            /   \
           /     \
          /       \ |         |
         |         |
 ----------     ----------
 | Host B |     | Host C |
 ----------     ----------

In this case, Host A has two NICS.  The external interface is not assigned
an IP address but th internal interface is assigned (example IP
only).  Host A is running the in kernel bridging code so that Host B and
Host C can have public IP addresses instead of using NAT.  Host A also is a
firewall that protects itself and Host B and C.

The problem rears its ugly head when I start with both Host B and Host C
down.  If I start Host B first.  All is well, it can communicate with the
Internet and with Host A.  If I then start Host C, all becomes "unwell".
Both Host B and C can still communicate with the Internet, but they can not
communicate with Host A.  Most often the rest of the net can not communicate
with Host A either.  isc-dhcpd is running on Host A and it assigns IP
addresses to Hosts B and C.  Thus, I need the public IP address for Host A
assigned to the internal NIC (?).  Why would Host A suddenly drop of the
face of the earth when Host C comes up and yet bridging still functions
normally for access to the Internet???  Adding 'ipfw add 1 pass  all from
any to any' to Host A has not opened up access to Host A.  So something more
sinister is at work here.

If I change the bridging code over to NETGRAPH - this scenario does not
happen.  All communication works just fine between all the hosts and the
Internet, however, all firewall rules that would apply to Host B and C seem
to quit working.  In other words - all the hosts, except for Host A, are
left completely unprotected.  I have tried using IPFILTER with both the in
kernel bridging code and NETGRAPH and have come to the same conclusion.
There is no way to filter the bridged packets.

So, I have a dilemna.  How do I get bridging to work and yet firewall the
bridged packets - and still keep Host A on the Internet?

I am aware that bridging was not originally intended to bridge across
interfaces that themselves have IP addresses - yet this seems to be a common
thing.  The new bridging code in Linux was designed to do just that - but I
would prefer not to have to play with that on my production machine.

The closest I have come to a solution currently is to use ipfilter with
ipnat and bimap to simulate the same thing.  But it isn't the same thing.  I
really do need public access to these IP addresses and I need them
firewalled in route to the Internet.

Would Proxy ARP subnetting accomplish the same thing?  Can I do this on
FreeBSD with any ease?

Can anybody help me with this?

Thanks for reading this far :)

Thanks in advance for any assistance,

Tom Veldhouse

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