mitko> On friday evening I cvsup-ed from to move from
mitko> 4.1.1-RELEASE to 4.2-STABLE. All went Ok, but after mergemaster and
mitko> reboot -> sendmail warns that the version of the is
mitko> older and exits with ExitStat = 70 :-))

mitko> There was and 2 errors for line 108 'Karith' as I remember and
mitko> something below.

mitko> Sorry now I cant post you more information, because it happends at home. 
mitko> Tomorrow I can post more details.

I'd like to see more details but my first thought is that you only updated
the sendmail binary and not the configuration file
(/etc/mail/  However, sendmail will only print a warning when
dealing with an old config, it will not exit.

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