> I am pretty sure that I built these binaries on a FreeBSD-2.2 system:
>   ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/development/CVSup/binaries/
>     cvsup-freebsd-ix86-aout-16.1.tar.gz
>     cvsup.nogui-freebsd-ix86-aout-16.1.tar.gz
>     cvsupd-freebsd-ix86-aout-16.1.tar.gz
> Be advised that starting with the next release of CVSup, I am not
> going to make binaries for -2.x or -3.x systems.  They can still be
> built easily using the ports system, though.

Thanks, I eventually found the cvsup in the ports on the CD .... never
thought of looking there - too obvious. :-)

> To answer the question in the subject, there's not a CVSup mailing
> list at this time.  There probably should be one somewhere.  I'm not
> so sure it would be appropriate for it to be a FreeBSD.org list, since
> CVSup is really an independent project.

If it's of any use then, I've set up a mailing list on majordomo. For users
of cvsup...

subscribe cvsup-user

My small contribution to supporting an excellent program.

The usual spam rules apply.


> John
> --
>   John Polstra
>   John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle,
> Washington USA
>   "Disappointment is a good sign of basic intelligence."  --
> Chögyam Trungpa
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