
On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 08:04:04PM -0500, Kenneth W Cochran wrote:
> Hello -stable & -docs:
> I'm trying to "track" documentation similarly to -stable.
> I can cvsup the "docs-supfile" Just Fine, but what needs to
> be done afterward?

Chapter 7 of the FDP Primer, at

should help.

> After cvsup of doc-all, in what directory should I be when
> making/building?

Depends.  If you've pulled down the whole repository you will need to
check out the doc/ hierarchy first, something like

    % cd
    % mkdir doc-cvs
    % cd doc-cvs
    % cvs -d /home/ncvs checkout doc
    % cd doc

Alternatively, if you've just pulled down the most current files then
you will have told CVSup where to put them, probably somewhere like

If you want to build all the documentation, start at the root directory
of the checked out docs (e.g., /usr/doc/, or $HOME/doc-cvs/doc if you
follow the example above), and run make(1).

If you want to build all the documentation for a specific language and
encoding, then cd(1) down a level, eg

    % cd en_US.ISO_8859-1

If you want to build all the articles, or books, for a specific language
then cd(1) down one more level

    % cd books


    % cd articles

If you want to build a specific document, such as the FAQ, cd(1) down in
to it's directory

    % cd faq

before running make(1).

> What are the relevant make-targets for documentation 

Typically, you will do something like this

    % make FORMATS=<format> <target>

where <format> is one or more of

    html html-split txt ps pdf pdb rtf

(if you want to build multiple formats at once then you have to protect
the spaces from the shell, either something like

    % make "FORMATS=html ps" ...


    % make FORMATS=html\ ps ...

<target> should be one of

    -blank-             If you don't specify a target, or you specify
    all                 a target called "all" then the document will be
                        converted to the FORMATS you list.

    clean               Removes the formatted document, and any
                        intermediate files created by the build process.

    install             Installs the document, typically somewhere under
                        /usr/share/doc -- this path is controlled by the
                        DOCDIR variable.

    package             Builds a FreeBSD package of the formatted
                        document that can be manipulated (installed,
                        queried, etc) with the FreeBSD pkg_* commands.

    lint                Both these targets will verify that the document
    validate            is valid according to the DTD it claims to
                        comply with.

> & where can I find them?

Chapter 7 of the primer (in theory).  I've just had a look at that, and
it's as enlightening as it could be.  I would be very grateful for
submissions that cleaned it up.

If you just want to quickly check that a particular format builds you
can give the target filename.  For example,

    % cd doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/faq
    % make book.html

will generate the FAQ as one large HTML document.  You could also do

    % make index.html                   # Lots of little HTML files
    % make                      # Postscript
    % make book.pdf                     # PDF

> How do I properly omit building the .pdf and .ps versions?

Make sure that the FORMATS variable doesn't contain "pdf" or "ps".  By
default, it doesn't.

> I can't find anything in The Books (Lehey v3 & the
> Handbook) & the docproj Web-site seems targeted toward
> documentation "authors" & not toward documentation "trackers."
> The textproc/docproj port is installed.

Incidentally, you will probably need to update this, as I committed some
changes to it last night, to pull in eps2png and the netpbm utilities,
which are required now that we support graphics in the documentation.

Hope that helps,

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