I just hope that you don't mistake the cards.
There's 3c509 isa ep(4) card, which is buggy and there's
3c905B and 3c905C pci cards xl(4) cards, which are known to be good.
I'm not sure which is better, xl of fxp, both are fine.
How can I debug this problem? It occures ramdomly, but when it does,
there's some pattern:

64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=251 time=30.161 ms
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
64 bytes from icmp_seq=24 ttl=251 time=30.842 ms
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
ping: sendto: No buffer space available
64 bytes from icmp_seq=34 ttl=251 time=30.638 ms
ping: sendto: No buffer space available

There's some pattern here..

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Tomaz Borstnar wrote:

> At 16:31 2.4.01, Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group wrote:
> > > I've just got ADSL at home (using mpd-netgraph, Archie - it's really
> > cool:) )
> > > After some amount of data passed through the line, I'm getting:
> > > sendto: No buffer space available
> >I had this problem with a 3C509B card when pushing a lot of data
> >through to a slower machine on my network.  ifconfig ep0 down; ifconfig
> >ep0 up fixed the problem when it occurred, however it would occur a
> >number of times a day.  I ultimately replaced the 3C509B.
> Interesting. I have exactly this problem with this card. It happens usually
> after lots of data transfers and after variable numbers of uptime days.
> Tomaz

--Roman Shterenzon, UNIX System Administrator and Consultant
[ Xpert UNIX Systems Ltd., Herzlia, Israel. Tel: +972-9-9522361 ]

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