> On 2001.04.22 00:56 Brent wrote:
> > I have a 4.1 FBSD running NAT & IPFW acting as a gateway machine for my
> > internal network...i have the kernel to deny by default..all seems to be
> > working good...ive opened up what ports  i need....although i cant seem
> > to
> > get quake ports  to open ..the clients are using gamespy ..im not sure if
> > it
> > uses a particular port...but q2 & q3  i think use udp 27910  and 27960

If your firewall does logging, you shouldn't have to guess what ports
are used.
Fire up Quake.
tail -f your firewall logfile on the server.
See what ports the outbound packets are addressed to, and set them up
to keep state.

"When you are in it up to your ears, keep your mouth shut."
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns ::

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