
Am Mo , dem 21. Mai 2001, um 17:17 -0400 Uhr schrubte Tom Gottheil
zum Thema [Hanging on floppy, ATAPCI detection]:
> On boot, the system hangs for a couple of minutes after detecting both my ATA PCI 
>RAID card and my floppy drive.  They seem to work fine, it just takes a long time to 
>detect them.  Has anyone had a simiar problem?  (I'm running 4.3-STABLE, cvsupped two 
>days ago, but it also happened with 4.3-RELEASE)

Similar here.
It takes about 20 seconds to detect. But it's no RAID or something,
just that all my harddisks are connected to the promise controller, not
the primary or secondary on-board controller.
But I don't think this is a 'real' problem.
It works fine and quite fast after detection :-)


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