On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 11:18:22PM +0530, Angshuman Dasgupta wrote:
> The problem is not with my mailer but with the original poster's mailer. My mailer 
>is mutt + vi which doesn't insert stupid newlines into a line to break it up. 

If your mailer doesn't break lines up, then you do have a problem. It is
bad email form to keep messages as one big line. The problem is that
recipients, with clients like mutt or pine, will insert a break at the
character that touches the end of the line, rather than go about it
intelligently. Then you might wind up with lines that look like such:

        My mailler is mutt + vi whic
        +h doesn't insert newlines i
        +nto a line to break it up.

It is th sender who is responsible for breaking messages into an orderly
block of text, not the recipient. And newlines used for this purpose
aren't "stupid," they are necessary to preserve the sanity of email, and
its readers' good moods.

As you will see above, mutt also chokes on your unbroken line, because
it puts a reply arrow at the beginning of the line only. If you have
color enabled, you will see the first line of your reply text is green,
but the second is not. Certainly it is easy to make out what is what,
but this is not the case in long messages. It makes for rough reading.

If you use vim with mutt, you can set the vim arguments to be

        + -c "set textwidth=72" -c "set wrap"

and it will wrap characters with the generally accepted standard
72-column width.

This will help maintain your good reputation on mailing lists like this.
There are many (myself included) who simply ignore unwrapped messages,
because reply text becomes a nightmare. Yours is the only exception I've
made in a number of months.

Andrew Hesford

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