
FreeBSD host213-123-129-165.btopenworld.com 4.3-STABLE FreeBSD
4.3-STABLE #2: Sat Jul  7 16:47:57 BST 2001
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/APOLLO

I've been attempting to create a jailed environment on my machine for
testing purposes, however I seem to have hit some problems. Having
followed the instructions laid down in the man page I have successfully
created a jailed file structure in /usr/jail which I can get into using:

# jail /usr/jail atlas /bin/tcsh

Problems start when I attempt to add an alias for my network card. As
suggested in the man page I use the following line to setup the alias
from inside the jail:

# ifconfig vr0 inet alias netmask

However this fails with the following return value:

 ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR): permission denied

However I am root inside the jail (observed with id(1)) so I do not
fully understand why I would be denied this action. Also dmesg and top
do not work, exiting with:

 kvm_open: short read
 top: kvm_read for _ccpu: Undefined error: 0

I'm assuming that this is because /kernel inside the jail is linked to
/dev/null, but I wanted to make sure that this is normal behaviour...

If anyone knows why I can't apply an alias to my card Id really
appreciate it.

Dominic Marks

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