So I installed FreeBSD to be duaql boot with WinME; WinME is on
disk 1, a 30G drive, FreeBSD on 2, another 30G drive. All went well
in install, but when I boot, I have problems.

When I get to the promtp for loading an OS, I have the choices
of F1 for the OS on the drive, GF5 to change drives. F5 works
fine, but when I choose F1, the system freezes.

To make it odder, if the default is to load an OS, if I wait
without pressing F1, it .will. load the OS. Sadly, it has
a habit of changing the default from F1 to F5, at which
point I cannot load anything; I have to pop in my Install 
CD and make it boot the drive.

How can I fix this? I would like the menu to work, but I would likely
settle for making a floppy for FreeBSD that I can just pop in when I want
to boot FreeBSD.



PS Sorry for typos, 5 second lag to my email box.

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