
Well, yesterday I ran into trouble after installing the newest
sources of FBSD 4.3-STABLE. We lost our diskless X-terminals
because they won't boot after that update. Yesterday night I
copied /etc/ of the diskless root from etc.bak back to etc
and was wondering that all X terminals booted again.

Today, I did a cvsupdate again and I read to late that the code
is in a kind of 'wobbing' status (slushy or something else, don't
care). All of our servers running FBSD 4.3-STABEL run stable and
offered nothing suspicious until now. Only the diskless systems
crashes - and the kind of crashing is funny! After powering the terminal
on it searches for its DHCP (isc-dhcp2), it finds it and then I see
the status message when the kernel gets loaded (rotating slash and
several hex numbers). But this is to short to watch, immediately
after that I see a lot of squared pixels, flashing, nice coloured
and remembers me to the time of the C64. It seems that the graphical
interface or/and the whole system crashes immediately after trying
to start the kernel.

Technical data:

Our diskless terminals use a AMD K7-DURON 700 MHz, a DFI AK74-EC
motherboard, 64 MB PC133-3 RAM, a Intel EtherExpress 100+ NIC
and a GigaByte GA660+ Riva TNT2 based graphics accelerator. The
terminals boot via PXE/DHCP.

I write this message from another terminal I was working from this morning on
and loaded with the old kernel. Can anyone tell my what happened to
the diskless stuff? Why are the diskless systems involved? The only
difference is that they use MFS (all other servers do not use MFS
due to the fact that in the past MFS produces on SMP systems many harsh problems).



O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

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