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On 2001-08-03 at 17:04:37 Boris Popov wrote:

BP>         Please try the attached patch. It fixes a nasty buffer overflow
BP> which may cause this panic.

Okay, this patch seems to solve the panic problem for me. On the
previously crashing box, I cvsup'd today (to 4.4-PRERELEASE) and
rebuilt everything, including the kernel with your patch, and the
smbfs-1.4.1 port. Since then, I haven't been able to get it to crash
anymore. :) (Keeping my fingers crossed.)

I have some other remarks, though, if you don't mind:

1. When I mount_smbfs(8) a share, the mountpoint is owned by
root:wheel and mode 755 by default. However, as a normal user I can
_create_ files in this mountpoint, but not delete them! I would
suppose that a normal user doesn't have write access with mode 755?

2. I searched for an answer to this phenomenon in the mount_smbfs(8)
manpage, and it says with the -M option: "Assign access rights to the
newly created connection.  See nsmb(8) for theory."  However, there's
no nsmb(8) manpage to be found anywhere, at least not on a freshly
rebuilt system. Maybe this manpage was left out while integrating
smbfs into the main kernel sources?

- --
Dimitry Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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