ian j hart writes:
 > A re-read of your original post reveals it's a k6 450. Touch the CPU
 > heatsink. If you burn your finger that's the problem :)
 > Seriously tho' there were problems with one of the k6 chips, but it's
 > so long ago I can't remember clearly whether it's the 450. What's the
 > core voltage printed on the chip, and what's the M/B core voltage set
 > to.
 > There should also be a revision number. While you do that I'll see if I
 > can find the info. If I'm correct there were two versions with different
 > core voltages - one of which was suspect. Anyone remember this?
 > What brand is the mobo, maybe someone else has one.

        I had very similar problems with a K6-2 450 on an Ax59Pro. The
K6-2 was the "original" version, with a 2.4V core voltage. I ended up
underclocking the processor to 400MHz, and the problems disappeared.


Raymond Wiker

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