On Sat, Oct 20, 2001 at 11:09:16PM -0700, Chad R. Larson wrote:
> Here's the contents of "/etc/exports" on the server:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> #
> # $ID:$
> # NFS exported filesystems
> #
> /usr/src -ro -maproot=0:0 eciweb1
> /scratch/obj -ro -maproot=0:0 eciweb1
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> The mount commands on the client were:
>     mount -r -t nfs ecibsd1:/usr/scr /usr/src
>     mount -r -t nfs ecibsd1:/scratch/obj /usr/obj

Don't the mount points on the client and the server have to match?

Try mounting /scratch/obj on the client and symlinking it back to
/usr/obj. This worked for me (mounting /home/export/src and

Sorry if you've actually hit a bug here, but ISTR that I saw the same
error if the mounts didn't match. :)

Greg White

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