On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Chris Peiffer wrote:

For testing purposes, I switched the sources back to the 20th October,
I know that this codestage definitely worked! I recompiled a 'make world',
all the terminal related stuff, new kernels and installed them, then I
rebooted. After reboot I recompiled the dhcp code from the ports, with the
same effect: nothing has changed, the stations still fail to boot. I think this is
a problem with our LAN and the maintanace of the computer center.

Now is the essentiell question: how to figure out what's going wrong?
I need to examine what the DHCP recieves and delivers and I need to
know what type of packets are exchanged between the DHCP server,
its client and what happens when the client has recieved its dhcp
config info and trys to get pxeboot image. How can I watch whether the
diskless client gets its pxeboot image? Well, I would like to know
some details about the protocol. The reason is, that the guys of our computer
center tend to push away responsibilty and I would like to avoid having
all the trouble I did not produce carrying on my shoulders ...

Thanks ...

:>On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 07:14:39PM +0100, Hartmann, O. wrote:
:>> Hello.
:>> Since yesterday morning we have massive problems with PXE booting
:>> diskless stations!
:>> The server has isc-dhcpd2 and since two hours ago isc-dhcpd3. The server
:>> runs FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE, the last cvsupdate has been done two hours ago,
:>> the previous cvsupdate has been done two days ago, but AFTER the first occurence
:>> of the following described problem.
:>So you changed the dhcp server after the problem started occuring?
:>What change preceded the failure? What does your dhcpd.conf look like?
:>What about the kernel config of the kernel sent to the netbooting
:>I am currently using ISC dhcpd V3.0rc12 with FreeBSD
:>successfully. I've attached my dhcpd.conf if it helps you any.

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
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55099 Mainz

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