--text follows this line--
Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> :I induced the crash by running "make clean; make buildworld" in one
> :infinite loop and "portsdb -Uu" in another. That string occurs in a
> :bunch of makefiles in /usr/ports. Some of the occurences in the core
> :are clearly from them, but many of them are surrounded by binary
> :data. I recursively grepped /usr/{src,obj,bin,ports} and
> :/usr/local/{bin,lib} and didn't find any binary files with that
> :string. My guess then is that it's from the memory image of a make
> :process.
> :
> :-- 
> : Brady Montz
>     This is soooo weird.  The corruption is occuring in the vm_page_t itself,
>     at least in the crash you sent me.  The vm_page_t is a locked-down
>     address in the kernel.  It is not effecting the vm_page_t's around the
>     one that got corrupted.  The corruption does not appear to be on a page
>     or device block boundry.  I am at a loss as to how its getting there.
>     Could you try playing with the DMA modes on your IDE hard drive?  Try
>     turning DMA off, for example, and see if the corruption still occurs.

I'd had that thought as well. Seems a reasonably way for a misbehaving
driver to corrupt memory. I'll try that tonight. 

However, being a recent convert to BSD, I don't know how to turn of
DMA. How do I?

 Brady Montz

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