David Reid wrote:
> Just cvsup'd to stable and I've almost run out of room on /!  How big should
> I create it when I reinstall as I now don't have enough to do another build.
> bash-2.04$ df -k
> Filesystem  1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s2a     49583    44564     1053    98%    /
> /dev/ad0s2f   2646093  1830324   604082    75%    /usr
> /dev/ad0s2e     19815     8212    10018    45%    /var
> procfs              4        4        0   100%    /proc
> david
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Here's my 0.02 euro

(IDE) disk space is very cheap.
dump, repartition and restore is a right royal PITA.
FreeBSD systems are long lived.

So pick a number and double it. I've been using
256Mb for some time. A minimal install will just
fit in 128Mb, at least last time I checked. This
gives you an alternative to the live file system
CD if your disk gets trashed, and you want to
attempt a repair.

I usually do my vinum systems this way.

ian j hart

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