A system recently upgraded from a 6 month old 4.3-STABLE image
appears to be suddenly experiencing massive FS corruption (or
fsck is very confused when checking a readonly-mounted FS.)

I've been following what seem to be a lot of dead-ends on this,
but seem to have tracked it down to the following specifics:

* Only softupdate filesystems appear to have the problem. I
  first thought I saw it on a non-softupdate FS, but may have
  been mistaken.

* 4.5-RC kernel (as of Jan 26, also reupdated today) breaks,
  4.3-STABLE does not.
  (Tried 4.4-REL, no breakage, but the kernel I had didn't have
   softupdates, so inconclusive.)

* GENERIC kernel is sufficient to reproduce

* Unmounting the FS and fscking it doesn't *seem* to show
  the problem up. fscking the filesystem after remounting
  readonly does cause breakage. Unmounting, remounting
  readonly, and fscking seems safe.

* dd'ing a mounted fs to another identical device (I've been
  backing up the root fs to a twin partition like this forever)
  and then fscking the backup device exhibits the breakage.
  (Maybe I should change that to dump|restore, like I thought
  I'd been doing all along :-)

* The bug seems to be most easily tickled using MAKEDEV. I can
  reproduce the problem reliably by doing:

  # newfs /dev/da0s2g
  # tunefs -n enable /dev/da0s2g
  # mount /dev/da0s2g /tmp
  # cd /tmp
  # mkdir dev
  # cd dev
  # cp /dev/MAKEDEV .
  # sh MAKEDEV all
  # cd /
  # mount -u -r /tmp
  # fsck /tmp

* Occasionally the fsck or (if fsck comes up clean) subsequent mount
  will panic: so far I've seen

  panic: handle_workitem_remove: bad file delta

  softdep_deallocate_dependencies: dangling deps
  (that one was interspersed with fsck output, so I could have got it wrong)

  and one that may have involved a dup alloc; I unfortunately didn't
  copy it down.

Attached is a copy of my dmesg and kernel config.

Any clues greatfully appreciated...

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