On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Andrew Boothman wrote:

> Chris BeHanna wrote:
> >>However, I was (slightly) less pleased to discover that a consequent
> >>'kldunload snd' paniced the kernel. This is on a (cvsuped last night)
> >>-STABLE box.
> >
> >     Do you, perchance, have sound compiled into your kernel?  There
> > was a bug with kldload and kldunload when loading and unloading a
> > module that was already compiled into the kernel, that would manifest
> > itself as a panic when you tried the kldunload (usually when you were
> > rebooting, which is how I tripped over it).
> No actually. I was doing this using the stock GENERIC, which contains no
> sound support....
> I think I'm a little confused as to the current state of the kernel
> modules system. I mean do people out there have systems will very small
> kernel files and loads of *_load=YES statements in their
> /boot/loader.conf? This would seem to be possible, but I've never heard
> of anybody actually doing it.

    I'm sure there's someone out there who does it that way.  I
usually build a custom kernel with support for the stuff that I
need, although I think from time to time that I should try a
stripped down kernel to see how well the
automagically-load-what's-needed-when-it's-needed code works.

> Is it just the dependancies between
> modules that are a bit of a problem, or is the whole system not quite
> ready for the light of day in a production environment? (I say this
> because I notice that there is no documentation on the modules system
> anywhere in the doc tree other than the developer's handbook.)

    It may well be that you've just tickled a bug that's heretofore
gone unnoticed.  Not too many people kldload their sound modules (from
what I've seen on -stable), and fewer still kldunload them on a lark,
I'd imagine.  I'm not saying what you did is wrong; it's just
uncommon (and worthy of a PR).

    FWIW, I have compiled a custom kernel, but I've also kldloaded a
few things:

behanna@topperwein> kldstat
Id Refs Address    Size     Name
 1    9 0xc0100000 31e310   kernel
 3    1 0xc0423000 550c     vesa.ko
 4    1 0xc1765000 7000     linprocfs.ko
 5    1 0xc17e3000 4000     logo_saver.ko
 6    1 0xc17e8000 15000    linux.ko
 8    1 0xc1831000 2000     rtc.ko
 9    1 0xc1823000 9000     agp.ko
10    1 0xc18a9000 d000     gamma.ko
11    1 0xc18bc000 13000    radeon.ko

(Despite entries 9-11, no, I don't yet have DRI working.  :-/  I still
have to follow the instructions on the FreeBSD DRI webpage to apply
all of the patches and give it a whirl.).

Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer                   (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.

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