At 10:57 AM 4/11/2002 +0200, Søren Schmidt wrote:
>It seems Mike Tancsa wrote:
> > Yet, when I go to do a rebuild,
> >
> > raidtest3# atacontrol rebuild ar0
> > atacontrol: ioctl(ATARAIDREBUILD): Operation not supported by device
> > raidtest3#
> >
> > I guess there needs to be some way to tell the controller to use ad6 as
> > part of the rebuild no ?
>You need to do a atacontrol detach on the failed device, then an
>atacontrol attach on the new disk. BTW you dont need to boot
>inbetween :)

OK, tried that but still no luck
raidtest3# atacontrol attach 3
Master:  ad6 <ST340016A/3.10> ATA/ATAPI rev 5
Slave:       no device present

raidtest3# atacontrol attach 3
Master:  ad6 <ST340016A/3.10> ATA/ATAPI rev 5
Slave:       no device present
raidtest3# atacontrol rebuild ar0
atacontrol: ioctl(ATARAIDREBUILD): Operation not supported by device
raidtest3# atacontrol status ar0
ar0: ATA RAID1 subdisks: ad4 status: DEGRADED

Also, I dont have a hot swappable case.  These are just plain old drives.



Mike Tancsa,                                      tel +1 519 651 3400
Sentex Communications,                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Providing Internet since 1994          
Cambridge, Ontario Canada               

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