The sysutils/portupgrade port handles this well.

--David Bushong

On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 08:53:28AM +1000, Allan McDonald wrote:
> Hi,
> there has been discussions on this list re-upgrading with make world etc,
> and there is an execellent section on the docs about how this is done.. I
> haven't had any problems with this.
> Is there a recommended procedure to upgrade various ports, eg all installed
> ports on ones system.
> I know about the  ports-supfile  and I use that before installing a new port
> that I think I need.  But for ports that I have already installed, is there
> any set procedure to upgrade them all at once? or do a pkg_remove {port} and
> re-install a fresh port individually for each port that is installed.
> I hope this post is not too far out of the guidelines for freebsd-stable
> Regards,
> Allan McDonald
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