On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Alain Fauconnet wrote:
> I am experiencing numerous hard hangs on a fairly busy FreeBSD 4.5 box
> (IMP  web  mail  server with a lot of users). Sometimes 4 times in one
> hour.  Reset  button  is  the  only  solution,  no  Ctrl-Alt-Del,   no
> Ctrl-Alt-Esc  (DDB  is  compiled  in  the kernel and "usually" works).
> [snip]
> Does it ring any bells ? A search on this failed to produce any  close
> result. All critical patches to 4.5 mentioning system crashes found on
> the  "Errata"  section  of www.freebsd.org have been applied, at least
> all   the   ones   relevant   to   a  machine  with  no  shell  users.
> Kernel is non-SMP.

I experienced the same symptoms from a cvsup from april 28th, a box which
had ran without fail for 8 months hung hard within 24 hours. I cvsup'd
again on may 4th, and the box has ran fine since then.
This box is also running IMP, with apache and postgres, and also handles a
fair bit of email each day.

> Configuration:
[full dmesg snipped]

We do not have a single piece of hardware (barring legacy isa stuff like
serial ports) in common.


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