I'm not sure what you're talking about here with this test program
(deleted)- unless you've dorked with MAXPHYS defines, the maximum you
can any tape record at is 64K.

> > I'm not sure that this is right. The NetBSD driver will do the same
> > behaviour at this point.
> Maybe it has been changed too? Or maybe afbackup on NetBSD has problems
> (however there is a trivial and universal fix for both cases, no problem)
> as in FreeBSD now, even if sources of afbackup take NetBSD into account.
> Can anybody try EOT handling in NetBSD in the reality? I'm sorry, I'm
> afraid that I could not do this.

I might. 

> > The problem is that you cannot return a residual if you return an error.
> > For tape drives that then write *partial* final records (e.g., if you
> > have EEW off), you cannot know exactly what you wrote. Therefore, when
> Please, what is "EEW off"?

Enable Early Warning- this allows you to get EOT notification prior to
hard end of tape. Otherwise, you get a VOLUME OVERFLOW and lose data
(usually). See below.

> > you read things back, you end up with duplicated data when you do tape
> > spanning.
> I'm not sure, if I see this problem too. If I understand correctly,
> previous behaviour was that when write() was successful just partially,
> it returned -1/ENOSPC, so some data could be duplicated on the next
> tape. Now write() should return partial count, then zero and
> then -1/ENOSPC...

But the problem here is that you need a signifier. It's been a while
since I worked on this stuff, so I had to go refrehs my memory- sorry if
my story keeps changing.

The model I'm trying to converge to has the following (if writing):

If you got a VOLUME OVERFLOW, then you're at hard eot, so you latch up a
residual, which is pointless because you're going to set ENOSPC.

If you get EOM notification (Early Warning), then you mark EOM pending.
Now- it turns out that for all the tape drives I tested that showed a
non-zero residual after EOM notification that they were, actually,
wrong. They did in fact finish writing the data out. So, in any case,
this is where SA_FLAG_EOM_PENDING is set, deferring action until the
*next* I/O.

For 5.0-Current, the choice is then made to to make the signifier on the
next I/O be setting residual to equal byte count- indicating that zero
bytes had been written. To me these are the correct semantics. However,
setting ENOSPC here is probably okay for -stable. The key point though
is that SA_FLAG_EOM_PENDING is then cleared if there is no further I/O
queued up. Additional I/O will get the same Early Warning error, but the
I/O *will* complete (unless hard EOT is hit).

So- to re-summarize:

        If you hit hard EOT, this reflects right away back to the
        application, who gets ENOSPC and stops writing.

        If you hit Early Warning, you get a signifier on the next
        write- but you're allowed to continue to write since the
        one *after* the signifier goes thru.

Another issue then arises- should you allow I/O past Early Warning? That's
the whole point of this funky dance. My take is that you *should* allow
I/O (in order to write trailer records, should the application want to).

A very similar mechanism was put in place on Solaris. From st(7):
  EOT Handling
     The Emulex drives have only a physical end of  tape  (PEOT);
     thus  it is not possible to write past EOT. All other drives
     have a logical end of tape (LEOT) before PEOT  to  guarantee
     flushing  the  data  onto  the  tape.  The amount of storage
     between  LEOT and  PEOT varies from less  than  1  Mbyte  to
     about 20 Mbyte, depending on the tape drive.

     If EOT is encountered while writing an Emulex, no  error  is
     reported  but  the  number  of bytes transferred is 0 and no
     further writing is allowed. On all other drives,  the  first
     write that encounters EOT will return a short count or 0. If
     a short count is returned, then the next write  will  return
     0.  After a zero count is returned, the next write returns a
     full count or short  count.  A  following  write  returns  0
     again.  It  is important that the number and size of trailer
     records be kept as small as possible to prevent  data  loss.
     Therefore, writing after EOT is not recommended.

It seems to me that in the process of doing this for FreeBSD, we run afoul
of some applications who seem to expect perfect I/O up until hard EOT.

This is similar in NetBSD where 'early warning' is disabled by default.

So- sorry for the verbiage. We're left with a "what to do" type of
issue now. 

Let me do a little testing with -stable modified to force ENOSPC
instead of a zero i/o move count signifier- I'll let you know.

> PS: I have/had another problem with timeouts - what do you think about
> increasing the standard value for SA_IO_TIMEOUT? In case of M2 from
> Exabyte, there is SmartClean feature, that when there are too much
> write errors during write operation, it rewinds tape at the beginning
> (up to 3 minutes), where is some cleaning tape and tries to clean heads
> (I hope no more that 2 minutes), returns to the previous position (again
> up to 3 minutes) and finishes write - so I'm trying to increase
> SA_IO_TIMEOUT from 4 to atleast 8 minutes (but I'm rather trying 15 now,
> because I realized this possible source of timeouts very recently, so
> I'm just experimenting... ;-).

This is good- send me a separate note about this to remind me, would you?
We *really* need to use hints for this, though.


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