On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 12:35:15PM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> :
> :On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> :
> :>
> :> :>     'trace'.  If over several crashes it dies in the same place
> :> :>     then we at least have an idea where to look.
> :> :>
> :> :>     How large is your swap space, or your largest free partition?
> :> :
> :> :My swap is only ~2gig, and my drive looks like:
> :>
> :>     Right... then do as I suggested in a previous email.  Reduce
> :>     the machine's memory to 2G via /boot/loader.conf:
> :>
> :>     hw.physmem="2048m"
> :>
> :>     Then reboot and turn on dumps to the swap device.  If you
> :>     can reproduce the crash with the machine downgraded to 2G
> :>     we should get a dump we can work with.
> :
> :Okay, just to confirm, my swap device looks like:
> :
> :venus# pstat -s
> :Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
> :/dev/amrd0s1b     2097024     8708  2088316     0%    Interleaved
> :
> :which is just under 2048m, at 2039m instead ... so ... should I sent it
> :down to 2000m even, or ... ?
> :
> :And all I need to do is set 'dumpdev="/dev/amrd0s1b' in /etc/rc.conf ...
> :no other settings I need?
>     pstat -s reports 128K less then the actual size of the
>     partition, so you have 2097152 = 2G exactly.  2048m
>     should be fine.
>     Yes, setting dumpdev="/dev/amrd0s1b" in /etc/rc.conf should do
>     it.

You might want to set the dumpdir variable too, you'll need the location
for the dumps to have enough space, or when your machine boots up it
will try and read the dump from the swap space onto /var/crash (default)
obviously its no good if it runs out of space while it is doing this.

Good Luck.

>                                       -Matt
>                                       Matthew Dillon 
>                                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Dominic Marks
 Computer & Politics Geek
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