        After cvsupping/make buildworld/make buildkernel/make
installkernel/mergemaster from 4.7-RELEASE to 4.7-STABLE as of about four
hours ago I ran in to a slight problem with mergemaster.
        The mergemaster itself went perfectly fine, as I've come to
expect. Unfortunately, mergemaster wasn't able to remove all of
/var/tmp/tmproot when I answered yes to the question about removing the
rest of /var/tmp/tmproot. After poking around, here's what I've found:

blahblah# pwd
blahblah# ls -alo
total 6
drwxrwxrwx  3 root  wheel  -    512 Oct 11 22:39 .
drwxrwxrwx  3 root  wheel  -    512 Oct 11 22:39 ..
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  schg 512 Oct 11 22:38 empty
blahblah# ls -lAR *
blahblah# chflags noschg empty
chflags: empty: Operation not permitted
chflags: empty: Operation not permitted
blahblah# chmod -R 777 empty
chmod: empty: Operation not permitted

        /var/tmp/temproot/var/empty is, well, empty. I'm probably missing
something trivial with chflags. How do I make /var/tmp/temproot/var/empty
        Also, when did mergemaster start leaving things behind?
        Any ideas?


P. S.: interestingly, there's also a /var/empty that's also schg.

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