On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 08:12:48PM -0600, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> When FreeBSD 5.0 comes out, will there then be a RELENG_5 branch for
> cvsup?  Will this branch be updated on a regular basis, or will it
> only get updated when Release-5.x (x>0) or FreeBSD 5-Stable come out
> (which I gather from the web pages will not be for quite a while)?

No, there will not be a RELENG_5 until a later release, probably 5.1 or
5.2.  There should be a RELENG_5_0_0_RELEASE tag and I supposed there
might be a RELENG_5_0 branch as well, but I don't know what the release
engineers are planning in that regard.

-- Brooks

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