
I had just finished an install of FreeBSD 4.7 onto a
Proliant 5500 Quad system, reconfigured the kernel to (as I
thought) support SMP when my new CD set from FreeBSD Mall
arrived with V5.00. I put the CDset to one side as I did
make installkernel. Well the SMP kernel failed and as I
seemed to be unable to recover from boot.old I decided to do
another install and go for V5. Here is my report on on my
experience so far with V5:

1. The boot sequence from V5 gave me an error Checksum
RSDP - does anyone know what that is?
2. The graphics card is nvidia TNT2 M64 PCI in the primary
PCI bus (has to be here because this card does not work in
the secondary PCI bus for some reason).  I struggled to get
X windows working with this card on 4.7and eventualy
succeeded by selecting vesa vesa as the card. While working
on this I had no problems during the install process under
However installing from the V5 CD produced scattered
artifacts on the screen during the file loading sequences.
At the time of this email I have not even been able to
attempt configuring X under V5 because of the mouse
3. The next thing is there are some problems with
configuring the mouse. I tried a PS/2 three button mouse
KEIO with a wheel by KYE systems group and an alps
glidepoint device. The latter device was recognised by the

psm0: <PS/2 Mouse> irq 12 on atkbdc
psm0: model Glidepoint, Device ID 0
There were no apparent irq clashes.
No matter what choices are made the system crashes when
"Trying to start the mouse daemon"  . The only choice is to
reboot. Disabling the mouse daemon got nowhere - X windows
config program crashed!

Any way I am back configuring 4.7 and am slowly overcoming
the problems. I am asking for guidance on configuring SMP
for this system in a separate email!


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