On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Bruce A. Mah wrote:

>If memory serves me right, Georgi Hristov wrote:
>> I just noticed that the "4.8-Release" has populated
>> the mirror servers around the world.
>> I think this is the final, even though RE has not
>> acknoledge it ... What are the chances of droping the
>> tag, making some changes, and repopulating the FTP
>> mirrors .. SLIM .. if there is any further issues with
>> "4.8-Release" ...the problems with be noted in the
>> Errata ... and patches would be release instead of
>> making changes to the the one on the FTP server.
>> I am not a FreeBSD guru, nor I am on the development
>> team ... so this is just my assumpions ... that may
>> happen to be correct. :)))
>There's been no release announcement yet.  Until you see one, just
>pretend that anything labeled "4.8-RELEASE" doesn't exist.  It's that
>simple, OK?  :-)
>In an ideal world, the release engineering team could put the
>releases, well, "somewhere", they'd magically get pushed out
>instantaneously to all of the mirror sites all around the world, and
>be guaranteed to be correct.
>In the real world, it takes a non-zero amount of time to get the data
>to a reasonable subset of the mirrors.  Not all of the data is
>available at the same time, and even if it were, it takes about a day
>(at least) for most of the mirrors to get it, depending on what time
>of the day and what day of the week we make the bits available.
>There were (are?) two ongoing wrinkles in that the machine that was
>holding disc1.iso (for the i386) went down for awhile yesterday, plus
>we generally agreed that sending out a release announcement on 1 April
>was a Bad Idea (TM).
>Please be patient.
>(RE team member, but speaking for myself)
        Well, RELEASEing of software and POPULATEing (released) software onto
mirrors is different, I think :-). I'd rather vote for following order of
1.label RELEASE
2.announce "RELEASE in CVS tree"
3.build RELEASE
4.populate ISOs
5.announce "RELEASE in binary distribution"
6.announce RELEASE on web site (if we want to say that RELEASE is OUT when
binary distribution is available)

        This will eleminate situation "RELEASE is labeled but not
announced by RE". I think that people that don't track source tree can
"wait" for RELEASE (in binary distribution)... Please correct me if I'm

P.S.    If you see "Rabbit" label on cell with tiger - don't trust for
your eyes... :-)

   Sincerely, Maxim M. Kazachek
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