I wouldn't call that an irrational policy at all. I'm on one rather large list which is frequently a victim of spam, however most spammers are not willing to subscribe to lists (thankfully) to spam them, so dropping non-member email automagically before it goes to the list or even a moderator seems to make a good bit of sense.
This is, of course, one of those topics along with FreeBSD vs. Linux or Perl vs. Python of which nothing ever comes besides holy wars. ;-)
But I am very curious why this was posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which has nothing to do with the security@ list?

Oh, and by the way -
Your post was rejected because (as per the url you pasted in) you're subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED] but the From: field of your messages seems to be [EMAIL PROTECTED] So this is entirely a configuration error on your end/your mail client.

Matthew Dillon wrote:
    Secondly, the policy outlined below is ludicrous.  The lists are here to
    facilitate communications between people on various topics.  As long
    as the communication is legitimate it is in the best interests of everyone
    to NOT reject postings from non-subscribed members.  If the moderator
    cannot be bothered with moderating the list, then perhaps a new moderator
    should be chosen.

What bozo decided to enact this irrational policy?

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