On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 01:45:18AM -0400 or thereabouts, Tim Kellers wrote:
> I'm trying it again, though this time it's on Yet Another 5.3gbeta2 machine.  
> I'll try it again on a production 4.10-Stable machine in a few minutes.
> Tim

I was receiving such errors from portsdb -uU too (abort core dumped), 
and I switched over to portindex utility (portindex && portindexdb, 
then portupgrade -airR to upgrade my ports). Now I am using it to my
full satisfaction.

Portindex utility is located in:

Advantage of it is, that it is much much faster than portsdb.

Disadvantage of it is, that it needs python and posgresql
(at least client installed, full server is not required).


        Martin Hudec

Martin Hudec            | corwin at aeternal.net
                        | corwin at web.markiza.sk
http://www.aeternal.net | cell +421 907 303 393

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