On Sun, Oct 24, 2004 at 06:58:21PM +0100, Robert Watson wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Oct 2004, Erwin Lansing wrote:
> > > The Danish part of ftp.freebsd.org (ftp.beastie.tdk.net) does not seem
> > > to respond, I have poked one of the admins, but since it's late night
> > > here in Denmark, it will probably be some hours before anyone can look
> > > at the problem.
> > > 
> > beatie paniced at about 3 am CEST and was rebooted.
> > 
> > I don't know what caused the panic, but I see quite a lot of:
> > Oct 23 04:51:29 ftp /kernel: swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: device:
> > #da/0x2 0001, blkno: 544, size: 4096
> > Oct 23 04:52:07 ftp /kernel: swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: device:
> > #da/0x2 0001, blkno: 544, size: 4096
> The swap pager will wait hz*20 (20 seconds) for pages to be read back in
> from the swap space -- if it doesn't hear back in that time, it generates
> the above warning and then continue waiting.  Typically, that kind of wait
> might occur because of a hardware problem.  Did you see any related
> console output from the controller/device driver?  Typically having swap
> space disappear out from under the system is not good for the health of
> the system...
Also my thoughts that a disk is dying, but the controller is reporting
everything as optimal. There should also be enough memory, so it's not
really using swap space. I'll keep a close look with it, but this is
really bad timing :(

                    _._     _,-'""`-._
Erwin Lansing      (,-.`._,'(       |\`-/|    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://droso.org       `-.-' \ )-`( , o o)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    -bf-      `-    \`_`"'-

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