
I would like some help with this. I am trying to use fetchyahoo to get
mail from Yahoo. It logs in OK, but never gets the message IDs and so
does not download any email messges. I am using the latest version,
fetchyahoo-2.8.6, all p5 mods are up-to-date as of a cvsup done on
29-Oct-2004, on a FBSD4.10,p3 machine.

The fetchyahoo output is:
Logging in securely via SSL as xxx on Fri Oct 29 19:54:49 2004
You are using 5% of your 100.0MB limit.
Country Code 'au' not found. We will try the translation for 'us'.
Successfully logged in as xxx.
Country code : au       Folder: Inbox   Version: 2.8.6
Only retrieving new messages
Getting Message ID(s) for message(s) 1 - 26.
Got 0 Message IDs

Finished downloading 0 messages.
0 message(s) have been deleted.
Logged out.

My .fetchyahoorc is as follows:

# FetchYahoo configuration file

# values in this file override values specified in the script itself
# but are in turn overridden by values specified on the commandline
# lines starting with # are ignored
# do NOT use any quotes around values
# values can include whitespace, but not at the end.

###### SHOULD configure these  ######
username = xxx 
# this can be a password or an md5_hex hashed password
password = xxx 

# set this to 0 to turn off HTTPS and login insecurely via plaintext instead
use-https = 1 

###### mail spool, mbox file and procmail configs ######

# set use-spool to 0 to disable outputting to a file/filter
use-spool = 1                  
# if spoolName ends with a / we output in maildir format to that directory
spool = /home/xxx/Mail/Inbox

# spool-mode must be either append, pipe or overwrite
# use pipe for procmail or other filter and append for a normal spool
# ignored if spoolName is a maildir directory
spool-mode = append

###### proxy configuration ######
# set use-proxy to 1 to enable use of a web proxy
use-proxy = 0
proxy-host =
proxy-port = 80
proxy-username = proxyAuthenicationUserName
proxy-password = proxyAuthenicationPassword

###### IMAP configuration ######
# set use-imap to 1 to enable output to an IMAP mailbox
use-imap = 0
imap-host =
imap-port = 143
imap-username = imap-user-name
imap-password = imap-password
imap-mailbox = INBOX

###### mail forwarding configuration ######
# set use-forward to 1 to enable mail forwarding
use-forward = 0 

# set mail-host to your smtp outgoing mail server
mail-host =

# the e-mail addresses you want mail forwarded to

# the e-mail address used as the from address, this should probably be at the
# same ISP as the outgoing smtp mailhost specified above
send-from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# set this to 1 if you want to use sendmail to deliver messages
use-sendmail = 0
# set this to the location of your sendmail binary if you set the above to 1
sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail

###### other configuration ######
# IMPORTANT Yahoo gives trouble when downloading over 100 messages at a time
# Setting this to more than 100 (or 0 for unlimited) may cause problems.
# max number of messages to download in one go
max-messages = 100

# set no-download to 1 to to not download  messages
# e.g. if this conf file is for removing Bulk Folder msgs without downloading
no-download = 0

# set new-messages-only to 1 to download only unread messages
new-messages-only = 1 

# set this to N to not download messages larger than N kb
# setting this to 0 turns off this check
max-size = 0

# set no-delete to 1 to not delete messages after dowloading 
# i.e. they will be left on Yahoo!'s mail servers
no-delete = 0 

# set this to the folder you want to download from eg Bulk
folder = Inbox

# set quiet to 1 to not output any regular (non-error) messages
quiet = 0

# set this to 1 to retrieve messages from external mailboxes too
get-external = 0

# set no-errors to 1 to not output any error messages
no-errors = 0

# list the messages seen in the mail folder
list-messages = 1 

# set either of these to 1 to enable mail checking before or after
downloading msgs
empty-trash-after = 0
empty-trash-before = 0

# set this to 1 to enable emptying the Bulk folder before fetching messages
empty-bulk = 0

# if this is 0, the program runs once and terminates
# Otherwise this is the number of minutes between successive mail checks.
repeat-interval = 0

# to leave messages as unread on the server, set this to 1
# this is only useful if no-delete is also set to 1
leave-unread = 0 

# if you are using a program/filter which does not expect a From_ line
# at the start of the message, set this to 1
no-from-line = 0

# set logout to 1 to make fetchyahoo logout after downloading messages
logout = 1 

# set status-only to 1 to only get the number of messages
status-only = 0

# set warning-level to 0 to not warn
# if >0, will print a warning if mailbox is >= N% full
warning-level = 0

Thank you in advance
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