Am Sonntag, 7. November 2004 06:30 schrieb secmgr:
> On Sat, 2004-11-06 at 04:16, Matthias Schuendehuette wrote:
> > Did you try to simply 'start' the plex? This works for
> > initialisation of a newly created RAID5-Plex as well as for
> > recalculating parity informations on a degraded RAID5-Plex.
> I did a gvinum start.

No, that's not what I meant.

'gvinum start' loads the kernel module which in turn searches for 
vinum-GEOMs and loads the configuration data. It doesn't change the 
state of any gvinum item.

Try 'gvinum start <plex-name>' or within gvinum(8):

gvinum> start <plexname>

This (as far as I investigated :-)

a) initializes a newly created RAID5-plex    or

b) recalculates parity informations on a degraded RAID5-plex with
   a new replaced subdisk.

So, a 'gvinum start raid5.p0' initializes my RAID5-plex if newly 
created. You can monitor the initialization process with subsequent 
'gvinum list' commands.

If you degrade a RAID5-plex with 'camcontrol stop <diskname>' (in case 
of SCSI-Disks) and 'repair' it afterwards with 'camcontrol start 
<diskname>', the 'gvinum start raid5.p0' (my volume here is called 
'raid5') command recalculates the parity and revives the subdisk which 
was on disk <diskname>.
Ciao/BSD - Matthias

Matthias Schuendehuette <msch [at]>, Berlin (Germany)
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