On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 08:52:30AM -0800, Dean Patterson wrote:
> I have an IBM aptiva, K6/450 and 5.3 gives me
> continuous calcru messages.  I understand is it
> probably hardware related, but I could not replicate
> the messages using 4.10.  I pulled out all the
> hardware that I could to no avail.  So is it just the
> fact that 4.10 is not showing the messages vs. 5.3? 
> Or is there something else I am missing?  I cannot
> find the kern.timecounter switch to change and even
> then I am wondering if that just stops the messages
> instead of fixing the issue.  This will be used as a
> NAT Gateway so I need it to be functioning properly.

The kern.timecounter sysctl hierarchy is definitely there on 5.3.


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