On Tue, Nov 16, 2004 at 06:22:29PM -0500, David Gilbert wrote:
> But the snapshots are often different sizes.  This strikes me as odd,
> as I understood the "format" of a snapshot was to be the same as the
> "format" of the partition itself --- so they should all have the same
> size as the physical partition.

(To my surprise also) snapshot files seem to contain more data that one
might expect. There's a comment in the code that says `Write out the
list of allocated blocks to the end of the snapshot' (pointed out by
folks on my local BSD mailing list. Full thread at [0]). Changes in the
`list of allocated blocks' might account for the differences you're

[0] http://lists.redbrick.dcu.ie/pipermail/bugi/2004-August/thread.html#579

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