On Sun, Nov 28, 2004 at 09:35:40PM +0900, Hideki Yamamoto wrote:
H> > -l switch configures label in ppp.conf
H> > -p swicth configures provider name which is announced in Ethernet.
H> Thank you for your reply.  
H> I think comment statement in /etc/defaults/rc.conf should be changed
H> because the current comment means '-l'.  Otherwise we should change
H> /etc/rc.network.   Don't you think so?
H> -------------- /etc/defaults/rc.conf ----------
H>  pppoed_provider="service-pppoe"     # Provider and ppp(8) config file entry.
H> -----------------------------------------------

[ccing Alfred, since cvs annotate points at him]

If label has not been specified, it defaults to provider. So this comment
is not meaningless. If you want to specify another label, you should use
pppoed_flags variable.

I think it will be better to change comment to "PPPoE Provider name".
Alfred, what do you think?

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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