> The type of a decimal integer constant without any suffix is the first
> of 'int', 'long', 'long long' in which the constant can be represented.

It is ? Well, you learn something new every day I guess! I stand
corrected in that case. Appologies.

> (For C89 it was the first of 'int', 'long', 'unsigned long')

...and before that ? Did this behaviour change at the end of the 80's - I
don't actually recall seeing it on any compilers after 88 or so I have
to admit.

> No doubt, but if it does the compilers are buggy.

Apparently so. It seems I've spent the last 18 years or so believing an
untyped integer constant was always of type 'int' when it wasn't true. Well,
maybe I will be less anal about adding 'L' to the ends of my constants from
now on.

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