On 2005.01.08 19:39:42 +0100, Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 04:33:14PM +0100, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
> +> I'm not really sure it is expected that you can do that when being in
> +> the operator group.
> Yes. If you want to change it you should do:
>       # chmod 600 /dev/geom.ctl

Being in the operator group only gives read access to /dev/geom.ctl
(it's root:operator crw-r-----) so I think it's somewhat counter
intuitive that one can stop the mirror without write permission there.
Wouldn't it be better to only allow stopping the mirror (and similar)
if the user has write access to geom.ctl?

phk fixed some similar issues in some of the other GEOM classes not
long ago, e.g. geom_bsd.c v. 1.71.

Simon L. Nielsen

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