On 2004.11.12 21:12:12 +0100, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:

> Today I suddenly couldn't log in via ssh to a server I upgraded to
> FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE 4 days ago.  When I tried connect to port 22 using
> telnet(1) the following just happend:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~] telnet 22
> Trying
> Connected to jet.nitro.dk.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Connection closed by foreign host.


For the archives and anybody who may be interested...

There is some kind of bug in OpenSSH 3.8.1p1's sshd (the one shipped
with 5.3), possibly related to PAM and Privilege Separation.  The fix
for me was simply to install OpenSSH 3.9 from ports, and I haven't had
the problem since.

Simon L. Nielsen

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