At 05:51 PM 13/01/2005, Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:
On Wed, 12.01.2005 at 17:38:56 -0500, Mike Tancsa wrote:
> I did a buildworld /buildkernel with a RELENG_5 box using the following
> flags
> CPUTYPE=i686
> KERNCONF=recycle
> CFLAGS=-O2 -pipe
> COPTFLAGS=-O2 -pipe
> NO_MODULES=true    # do not build modules with the kernel
> MODULES_WITH_WORLD=true # do not build modules when building kernel

I'm using -Os -pipe ever since installing 5.x after the gcc update.
Haven't encountered any problem so far..

There are some differences between O2 and Os according to the man page. Are you using that on your kernel and for buildworld ?

ICEs (internal compiler errors) usually point to serious hardware
problems. Check that your RAM is OK and the CPU not overheating.

heating is not an issue. I have changed the power supply and RAM just in case. Like I said, if I get rid of the O2 optimization and just use -O it works just fine. I have run into bad hardware where make buildworld exposes the problems, but I had never been able to "work around" it by changing to -O instead of O2.

I let the box run over night building world 8 times with -j2 through -j5 and all worked just fine.

Looking at /usr/src/UPDATING, it appears O2 does not work. However, that seems to contradict statements on the list that it works.

20040728: System compiler has been upgraded to GCC 3.4.2-pre. As with any major compiler upgrade, there are several issues to be aware of. GCC 3.4.x has broken C++ ABI compatibility with previous releases yet again and users will have to rebuild all their C++ programs with the new compiler. A new unit-at-a-time optimization mode, which is default in this compiler release, is more aggressive in removing unused static symbols. This is the likely cause of 'make buildworld' breakages with non-default CFLAGS where optimization level is set to -O2 or higher.


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