On Tue, 18 Jan 2005, Andrew L. Neporada wrote:

> > The not working (more expensive) one gets recognized as ucom0 and I have 
> > ucom0, also I can receive signal but not transmit.
> > 
> [skip]
> Take a look at http://gate.intercaf.ru/~lesha/6100/ and try patch
> http://gate.intercaf.ru/~lesha/6100/pl2303x.patch
> It can break old (working) PL2303 chip, but it works for me with newer 
> revision  chip (tested under 4.10).  

Hmmm...  That could explain something I saw.  I've got two cables,
bought from different vendors (same chipset).  Both worked under 4.10,
only one under 5.3 (different platforms).  I'll try it when I get a

-- Dave
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