On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 02:36:30AM +0100, Bartosz Fabianowski wrote:

> When everything is working normally, the CPU is at:
> 15% system    30% user    65% idle
> At the first screen update after a stall, the CPU is at:
> 15% system    85% user     0% idle
> Also, the VM statistics such as "zfod" and "ofod" have jumped from their 
> usual zero level to several thousand. And disk activity is reported as 
> high, of course. A couple seconds after the stall is over, all 
> statistics return to their normal values.
> So, some user process is misbehaving. And has been doing so ever since 
> this box was set up. Plus, it is somehow disk related and happens no 
> matter what I am running or not, what I am doing or not.
> Any ideas on how to debug this? How can I find the guilty process?

Try top, ps, systat, etc.


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