On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 06:26 -0500, David Gilbert wrote:
> >>>>> "Doug" == Doug White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Doug> On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, David Gilbert wrote:
> >> Gmirror on the fix-it CD appears to be impotent.  It appears to
> >> have only 'help', 'list', 'load' and 'unload' as commands.  Not
> >> useful.
> Doug> If you manually load the geom_mirror.ko kernel module it
> Doug> probably gets useful. Someone pointed out that there's a
> Doug> hardwired path in there somewhere so "load" will fail, but if
> Doug> you load the module manually then the commands become available.
> Doug> I'll have to test it.
> I did that.  This is not the case.  If you run "gmirror help" when
> gmirror is not loaded, it does not load the module and it prints out a
> helpful list of things.  If you do this on the fixit CD, it prints out
> a list of four commands: help, list, load and unload.
> Additionally, I loaded the kernel module manually from
> /dist/boot/kernel/geom_mirror.ko and this did not change the behaviour
> of the command.

The problem is that geom is hard coded to look for the userland
libraries in /lib.

Try symlinking /lib to /dist/lib

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