Lefteris Tsintjelis ÐÐÑÐÑ:

Mike Tancsa wrote:

Take out the sio2 and sio3 definitions and just have

device sio
device puc

leave sio0 and sio1 as is.

That didn't work either. Kernel kept on core dumping.

What worked, and got me pretty worried, is:

Dmitry Liakh wrote:

Try non-SMP kernel or disable HTT.

#options SMP #options APIC_IO

When I disabled these 2 everything worked well! I worry because
I have a few installations of v4 with SMP/HTT and there are no
immediate plans to upgrade to v5 yet.

I afraid that there is only 2 ways to solve: either to do not use puc(4) with SMP kernel or to fix some bugs it have that make it not SMP-compatible.

I had the same problem and, unfortunately, I choosed the first way.

P.S. there was even some PR on this issue, but I don't know the status of it for now
P.P.S. excuse me if there are some mistakes in text, I'm not a native English speaker

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